Managing the why and not the people is the key differentiator between many businesses. Oftentimes, people have the opposite in place because it seems easier at first
A small dairy area in far-northern California climbed aboard the anti-GMO bandwagon on Tuesday, when voters in Humboldt County approved the "Genetic Contamination Prevention Ordinance" by a 59 to 41 percent...
The Federal Department of Absurd – er, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – is an entity that regularly seems to defy common sense and logic. This is yet another example: Smoking is a proven...
Latest price hike denial should be the final straw for producers.One of Albert Einstein's famous quotes is, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." It's a madness...
Authorization is included in House Ag Committee's draft of 2013 Farm Bill. The emotional and growing revolt by California milk producers against what they say is their state's inadequate and unresponsive...
Sequestration went into effect on March 1 as a result of the Budget Control Act. And with it, the federal budget will be reduced by $85 billion this year or $1.2 trillion over the next decade if congressional...
Written exam top scores: Trent Dado (2nd) and Cody Getschel (1st) The Invitational 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl was the first major youth contest to be held at the 39th Annual North American International Livestock...
It is a question that has prompted industry-wide information meetings in the past and it prompted another one last week in Tulare. Interest tends to surface during awful financial times, so it's no wonder...
Meeting in Arlington, Va., near the nation's capital, the 50th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council was both festive and productive. There was plenty of fun and reminiscing sprinkled amid the...
Whether you are considering (or reconsidering) installing sort gates or looking to improve efficiency with your current setup, here are two things to ponder
Hurricane Helene, one of the worst hurricanes I have been alive for, recently ripped into an area that doesn’t normally see that kind of horrific storms
Sort gate technology adds value by helping cows exhibit natural behaviors with easy cow flow and gives animals more time at the feedbunk or lying in stalls by not retracing steps postmilking